Protect Your Solar Panels from Pigeons in Canon City

Call 720-248-8581 Now for Expert Assistance!


Our Approach to Pigeon Control

Colorado Wildlife Specialists in Canon City use a humane and effective strategy for pigeon removal. Our process begins with a comprehensive assessment to identify the extent of the infestation, followed by safe removal techniques that respect both the wildlife and your property.

Ensuring the Longevity of Your Solar Panels

After safely removing pigeons, our team focuses on cleaning and sanitizing the area beneath your solar panels. This step is crucial to remove harmful acids and materials that can degrade panel efficiency. We then install durable critter guards designed to prevent future invasions, safeguarding your solar investment against potential pigeon damage.

The Hidden Dangers of Pigeons to Solar Panels

Pigeons nesting under solar panels can significantly impact their functionality and durability. Their droppings and nesting materials not only reduce energy production by obstructing sunlight but also corrode panel components, leading to unnecessary repair costs. Our targeted services in Canon City aim to eliminate these risks, ensuring optimal panel performance.

Why Colorado Wildlife Specialists?

With extensive experience in pigeon control and a deep understanding of solar panel systems, we offer unmatched services in Canon City. Our team is committed to delivering sustainable solutions that protect your property and enhance the efficiency of your solar panels.

Get in Touch for Comprehensive Pigeon Control

Don’t let pigeons compromise your solar panel system. Contact us today for a thorough consultation and learn how we can keep your setup efficient and pigeon-free. Dial 720-248-8581 for immediate service.


Contact Colorado Wildlife Specialists at 720-248-8581 for Expert Solar Panel Protection in Canon City.