Colorado Wildlife Specialists: Solar Panel Care in Gypsum

Optimize Your Solar Efficiency! Contact Us: 720-248-8581


Professional Pigeon Removal for Solar Panels

Our approach in Gypsum starts with an in-depth property inspection to identify pigeon activity. We employ humane and effective strategies to remove pigeons, ensuring the safety of both the birds and your solar panel system.

Ensuring Clean and Efficient Solar Panels

After safely removing pigeons, our team performs comprehensive cleaning to eliminate all droppings and nesting materials from under your solar panels. This crucial maintenance prevents corrosion and blockages, maintaining optimal panel efficiency. We also install durable critter guards to deter future nesting, protecting your investment over the long term.

The Risks Posed by Pigeons to Solar Panels

Pigeons significantly threaten solar panel performance and longevity. Their acidic droppings can damage panel surfaces, while nesting materials can obstruct sunlight, reducing energy production. Our services in Gypsum are designed to address these challenges, ensuring your solar panels remain productive and damage-free.

Why Trust Colorado Wildlife Specialists?

With years of experience in pigeon control and a comprehensive understanding of solar panel care, our team is Gypsum’s trusted choice for protecting solar installations against pigeon damage. We’re committed to providing effective, sustainable solutions to enhance the efficiency and durability of your solar panels.

Contact Us for Expert Solar Panel Maintenance

Don’t let pigeons undermine the efficiency of your solar system. Contact Colorado Wildlife Specialists for professional pigeon control and solar panel maintenance services in Gypsum, CO. Call 720-248-8581 today to schedule a consultation.


For Professional Pigeon Control and Solar Panel Care in Gypsum, Call 720-248-8581.