Colorado Wildlife Specialists: Solar Panel Protection in Lyons

Enhance Solar Efficiency & Longevity! Call: 720-248-8581


Professional Pigeon Removal Services

Our approach in Lyons begins with a detailed site inspection to assess pigeon activity around your solar panels. Using humane and effective strategies, we safely remove pigeons, minimizing disruption to your daily life and property.

Pigeon Guard Installation
Pigeon Guard Installation and Cleanup

Ensuring Clean and Efficient Solar Panels

Following pigeon removal, our team conducts thorough cleaning beneath your solar panels. This essential maintenance removes droppings and nesting materials that can cause corrosion and decrease panel efficiency. We also install custom-fit critter guards to prevent future pigeon nesting, securing your investment over the long term.

The Impact of Pigeons on Solar Panels

Pigeons pose a significant threat to the performance and lifespan of solar panels. Their acidic droppings and nesting materials can damage panel surfaces and obstruct sunlight, reducing energy output. Our targeted services in Lyons are designed to mitigate these risks, ensuring your solar panels remain productive and damage-free.

Why Choose Colorado Wildlife Specialists?

With extensive experience in pigeon control and solar panel maintenance, our team is Lyons’ trusted choice for protecting solar installations from pigeon damage. We’re committed to delivering effective, sustainable solutions to enhance the efficiency and longevity of your solar panels.

Contact Us for Expert Solar Panel Care

Don’t let pigeons compromise your solar system’s efficiency. Contact Colorado Wildlife Specialists for professional pigeon control and solar panel maintenance services in Lyons, CO. Dial 720-248-8581 to schedule your service today.


For Expert Pigeon Control and Solar Panel Maintenance in Lyons, Call 720-248-8581.